Constructing shapes from font glyphs.
import { FontOutliner } from 'omega/dist/FontOutliner.js'
Construct outliner:
// from arraybuffer holding the font
const outliner = new FontOutliner(ab);
// from font url
const outliner = await FontOutliner.fromUrl('./a.ttf');
const result = outliner.outline('hi');
result.shapes; // arr of THREE.Shape
result.h; // line height
result.w; // advance width
result.yMin; // bottom (usually a negative value)
result.yMax; // top
Outline options:
outliner.outline('hi', {
size: 100, // font size; default 100
isLTR: true, // is ltr writing-mode; default true
isCCW: false, // is solid shape using CCW; default false
check if glyph exists in the font; by codepoint: